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A polygon with four or more sides can meet all of the requirements.

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Q: What is a figure that only has one set of parallel lines no perpendicular lines and at least one acute angle and the one obtuse angle?
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What are all the angles in geometry?

intersecting, parallel, acute, right ,obtuse, straight, perpendicular, reflex

What lines form acute or obtuse angles at point of intersection?

An line that is not perpindicular to the other line makes an acute or obtuse angle Oblique lines are not parallel or perpendicular which would be lines that form acute or obtuse angles at the point of intersection.

What lines are lines that form acute or obtuse angles at the point of intersectionn?

Lines that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

How do two intesecting line but not perpendicular look?

They make a pair of acute angles and a pair of obtuse angles. In rotational order, the angles are acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse.

What does a two non-perpendicular bisecting line segments look like?

They make a pair of acute angles and a pair of obtuse angles. In rotational order, the angles are acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse.

What figure has 4 sides opposite sides parallel all sides equal 2 obtuse 2 acute angles?


What does a trapezoid have besides 1 pair of parallel and 1 pair of nonparallels angles are acute or obtuse and parallel?

Angles are usually illustrated as two acute and two obtuse, but there can be two right, one acute and one obtuse. Angles cannot be parallel since that is a characteristic of lines, not angles!

What shape has 1 set of parallel sides 2 sets of perpendicular sides?

It could be a trapezoid having 2 right angles, an obtuse angle and an acute angle

Can a vertical angle an obtuse angle?

Vertical angles can be acute, right (if the intersecting lines forming them are perpendicular) or obtuse.

3 fact about the maths shape called a kite?

this figure has 2 obtuse angles and two acute angles. also the opposite sides are parallel.

What figure only has onepairof parallel sides and exactly two right angles?

It could be a trapezoid providing that the other two angles are acute and obtuse

Does a trapezoid have four obtuse angles?

No, a trapezoid does not have four obtuse angles. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides and the other pair of non-parallel sides. The angles of a trapezoid can be a combination of acute, obtuse, and right angles, but it cannot have four obtuse angles.