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Q: What is a grouping of two or more lines of poetry that are about the same length or share a rhyme scheme?
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Are parallel lines the same length?

In geometry, lines are of infinite length. So, yes, parallel lines have the same length. They are completely 'G' rated at all times. They never touch.

What are segments that have the same length called?

Congruent lines

Can parallel lines be a different size but still be parallel?

Yes; but in math, if you talk about "lines", that means one that stretches infinitely in both directions. If you are talking about limited-length "lines", those are called "segments".Yes; but in math, if you talk about "lines", that means one that stretches infinitely in both directions. If you are talking about limited-length "lines", those are called "segments".Yes; but in math, if you talk about "lines", that means one that stretches infinitely in both directions. If you are talking about limited-length "lines", those are called "segments".Yes; but in math, if you talk about "lines", that means one that stretches infinitely in both directions. If you are talking about limited-length "lines", those are called "segments".

Why can lines not be congruent?

Let's start with the definition. Definition: Line segments are congruent if they have the same length So lines and rays would be congruent if they had the same length. However, Rays and lines cannot be congruent because they do not have both end points defined, and so have no definite length. It know it's a LONG story, the the bottom LINE is they have no length so they can't be congruent.

Lines with irregular meter and length are called?

free verse

Related questions

What is an example of a tercet?

A tercet is a grouping of three lines of poetry. A good example of a tercet would be a haiku, such as "This poem is an example," "of a great tercet," "a grouping of three fine lines."

Is it lower or uppercase letters in rhyme scheme?

Rhyme scheme typically uses lowercase letters to indicate matching sounds at the end of lines in poetry.

Subtypes of poetry?

Some common subtypes of poetry include sonnets, haiku, limericks, and free verse. Sonnets consist of 14 lines with a specific rhyme scheme, while haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry with three lines and a 5-7-5 syllable structure. Limericks are humorous poems with a specific rhyming pattern, and free verse does not follow a specific meter or rhyme scheme.

Which type of poetry is named for a city in Ireland?

Limerick poetry is named after the city of Limerick in Ireland. It consists of five lines, with a distinctive rhyme scheme and rhythm.

What is Assigned Rhyme Scheme poetry?

Assigned rhyme scheme poetry is a type of poetry where a specific pattern of rhyming words is predetermined. This means that certain lines within the poem must end with words that rhyme according to a set structure, such as AABB or ABAB. Common examples of assigned rhyme scheme poetry include sonnets and limericks.

What is Spanish song from that is a style of poetry contains ten lines?

A Spanish song form that is a style of poetry containing ten lines is called a "décima." It typically follows a specific rhyme scheme and rhythm, and often explores themes of love, nature, or daily life. The structure consists of stanzas with ten lines each, usually with the rhyme scheme ABBAACCDDC.

What is the technique to determine the meter and line length of a poem?

Scansion is the dividing of verse (lines of poetry) into feet by indicating accents and counting syllables to determine the meter of a poem. So yes, it is used to determine meter and rhyme scheme

Are the lines in a sonnet are written with twice as many stressed syllables?

No, the lines in a sonnet typically have the same number of stressed syllables as other forms of poetry, such as iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme and structure of a sonnet are what differentiate it from other forms of poetry.

Which type of poetry has fourteen lines?

A sonnet is a type of poetry that typically consists of 14 lines, usually with a specific rhyme scheme and meter. There are different forms of sonnets, such as the Petrarchan or Italian sonnet, the Shakespearean or English sonnet, and the Spenserian sonnet.

How many meters does a limerick have?

There are five lines in a limerick. The rhyme scheme is AABBA. Metre in poetry is the rhythmic structure of lines in a verse. A limerick uses anapestic or amphibrachic metre.

What form of poetry is defined as humorous verse with a rhyme scheme of AABBA?

The form of poetry that fits this description is a limerick. Limericks are typically constructed with five lines, with a distinctive meter and rhyme scheme of AABBA. They often feature witty or humorous content.

Consistent rhythm combined with lines of a set length is called?

This is called meter in poetry. Meter refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry, creating a rhythmic structure.