It is a hexagon with two right angles: there is no special name for such a shape.
A hexagon has no right angles.
A regular 6 sided hexagon has no right angles but it's quite possible for an irregular hexagon to have right angles.
If 1 or 2 of the obtuse angles are 'bent into' the hexagon then you can do it.A hexagon has 720° sum of interior angles. If you have 2 right angles, then that's 180°, leaving 540° to be distributed over four angles. If the two acute angles are 89°, then that leaves 362° to be divided between two angles, so at least one of these two angles will need to be greater than 180°. Below is my text graphics attempt of one possibility (ignore the 'dot'). Note that both of the obtuse angles are greater than 180°:|\_/||__.|Look at the related link to play with different angle possibilities for polygons.
A regular hexagon has six equal internal angles of 120 degrees. None of them are right-angles !
Yes if it is an irregular hexagon
A hexagon has no right angles.
A regular 6 sided hexagon has no right angles but it's quite possible for an irregular hexagon to have right angles.
Yes, it is.
A regular hexagon as no right angles. An irregular hexagon could have from none to as many as five right angles.
A hexagon has no right angles what-so-ever.
A hexagon has NO right-angles ! each of the internal angles is 60 degrees !
If it is a regular hexagon, there should be no right angles within it.
A concave irregular hexagon can have up to 6 right angles. A convex irregular hexagon can have up to 3 right angles.
There are no right angles in a regular hexagon although it's possible to have right angles in an irregular hexagon.
The answer will depend on whether the two right angles are adjacent, alternate or opposite and also on the measures of the remaining angles.