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Chiliagon has 1000 sides. (In geometry, a chiliagon is a polygon with 1000 sides. The measure of each angle in a regular chiliagon is 179.64°.)

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Q: What is a name of a polygon which has 1000 sides?
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What is the name of a polygon with 1000 sides?


What is name of the polygon which has 1000 sides?


What is a polygon with 1000 sides called?

hectagon is the answer

Which polygon has 1000 000 sides?

simple, the polygon which will have only 1000 000 sides.

What is the name of polygon with 1000 sides?

It's perfectly acceptable to call it a 1000-agon

What do you call a polygon with 1000 sides?

A polygon with 1,000 sides is known as a chiliagon. A hectogon is a polygon that has 100 sides, and a polygon with 8 sides is called an octagon.

What are the names of polygon 100 and 1000 sides?

The name of a polygon with 100 sides is a "hecatontagon," and a polygon with 1000 sides is called a "chiliagon." So, if you ever need to impress someone at a party with your knowledge of shapes, now you know what to call those bad boys.

What is the name of a polygon with 15 sides?

The name of a polygon with 15 sides is a pentadecagon

How many sides does a polygon have until it turns into a circle?

A polygon with 1000 sides is still a polygon but even a polygon of 100 sides gives characteristics of a circle. When demonstrating circles a polygon of 100 sides helps show the circle characteristics.

What is the formula for how many sides are in a polygon?

There is no formula for how many sides there are in a polygon; the name of the polygon shows how many sides it has.

What is the name of a polygon with 0 sides?

There is no name because such a polygon does not exist. A polygon must have at least three sides.

What is the name of a polygon with a sides of 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 10000?

I find the name "30-sided polygon", "40-sided polygon", etc. just fine.