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(dali mi bannana!) it mean that its a radical of 2 shapes + a triangle divided by guwno

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Q: What is a plane of symmetry in 3d shapes?
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How many planes of symmetry does an octagonal prism have?

3D shapes don't have lines of symmetry they have plane's of symmetry.

Are 3d shapes plane shapes?

No because 2d shapes are plane such as polygons but example of 3d shapes are: pyramid, cone, cuboid, cylinder, sphere ... etc

What shapes have exactly one plane of symmetry?

Shapes with an irregular cross-section.

What is the symmetry of sphere?

Three dimensional shapes, generally, don't have lines of symmetry, but a circle has an infinite number is symmetry lines. 3D shapes also don't have rotational symmetry either, but a circle has an infinite number of that as well.

How many planes of symmetry does 3 d shapes have?

it depends on what kind of 3D shape you want. example= A sphere has an infinite amount of symmetry lines

Are all 3D shapes made from 2d shapes?

3-d shapes are not made from 2-d shapes. 3-d shapes may have projections onto a plane that are 2-d.

Does all shapes have line of symmetry?

No. Asymmetric shapes do not have any lines (or planes) of symmetry.

Which property allows a design to maintain all its characteristics when it is rotated around a point on its plane?

The fact that all plane shapes have rotational symmetry whose order is at least 1.

Do all shapes have lines of symmetry?

not all shapes have lines of symmetry. one example is a triangle.

Properties of 3d shapes?

3D shapes have edges, sides, and intersecting points

What are the special features of 3D shapes?

The special features of 3D shapes are they all are 3D which means they are fat but 2D shapes are flat they can not stand up.

What kind of shapes don't ever have rotational symmetry?

Irregular shapes don't ever have rotational symmetry.