On house, why might a pyramid-shape roof be better than a flat roof?
This is triangular in shape or peak that is created on the side. Because of its shape, it allows leaves, rain to fall from the roof away from the house. Gabled roofs differ in pitch and steep which serves the purpose of protecting the roof from the effects of water.
yes some roofs are pyramids but some are a different shape
If the rooftop is flat and shaped like a rectangle ...-- measure the width of the roof, in meters-- measure the length of the roof, in meters-- multiply (width) x (length)-- The product is the area of the roof in square meters.If the rooftop is not shaped like a rectangle, or parts of it are sloped, thenyou must mark it off in several sections, with each section being a rectangle.Then measure and calculate the area of each section as described above, andadd them up.
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The roof of a house,
you go to the build i con and then go to the i con shaped like a roof and pick your roof
A block of cheese,house roof,a ten,A paper boat
A cupola has several meanings. On a house, it is likely to mean a small dome shaped roof that projects above the rest of the roof.
On house, why might a pyramid-shape roof be better than a flat roof?
On house, why might a pyramid-shape roof be better than a flat roof?
It is made out of poo, mud, straw and grass. It is round and had a cone shaped roof.
The look for a gingerbread house is like lollipops with smarities on the roof........ Icing shaped like icicles, the original stuff, make sure to have icing everywhere... Hope this is what you were looking for !
Draw something like you would draw a 'stick house'. It will have a square for the bottom, and a triangle for the roof. Then 'chop off' part of the top of the roof with a horizontal line segment. Erase the line between the roof and the main part of the house. It is now a six sided polygon. The two right angles are at the base of the 'house'.
The chimneys were shaped like ears. Here is the quotation from the book: "She had not gone much farther before she came in sight of the house of the March Hare: she thought it must be the right house, because the chimneys were shaped like ears and the roof was thatched with fur."