A very narrow path of light represented by a line with an arrowhead showing the direction in which it is travelling is called a ray. For example - A Torch
Yes it names the same ray. For example in a square ABCD you can also call it DCBA or BCDA etc.
yes, a ray does have infinite length.true
Yes, both a ray and a line go on forever, but unlike a line, and like a line segment, a ray has an endpoint.
No. Line CD is the same as line DC, but rays are always named from the origin point, so ray DC is a ray pointing in the opposite direction from ray CD.
ray ray? who is ray ray [mindless behavior]
3 Problems: It's Does, and ray ray would be Ray Ray, and the thing that should be obvious: Who's Ray Ray, exactly??
Ray Ray do have an aim
ray ray
ray ray is the cutest out there
Ray Ray
ray ray is no where ugly :)
Princeton is older then ray ray but ray ray is 1 month younger then him
Most members of the ray family have 'ray' at the end of their name, such as stingray, manta ray, electric ray, eagle ray, devil ray, bat ray, round ray and cownose ray.
ray ray
no ray ray is single
Ray Ray does not have a girlfriend