A complementary angle is two angles whose sum is 900 (degrees). So you would need a triangular shaped structure whose bottom angles are 450 each. Possibly an Egyptian pyramid?
blinds or window panes
Vertex describes a point , corner or intersection. For example a black diamond library. It is construction-ed with many points and each angle should be considered a vertex.
The Equator is a real world example, being the circumference of the Earth.
An Obtuse angle is more than 90° but less than 180°. Real life examples would be fans, and most rooftops of houses and buildings.
A right angle triangle always has 2 acute angles within it.
The corner of a desk.
the top angle of an A
a Chair a door ect...
A roof (:
An angle formed as a see-saw is a real life example.
A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.
cycle foces
a wooden gate
Roof of a house
a yield sign
blinds or window panes
2 o'clock on a wristwatch.