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Q: What is a rotating storm called that is shaped in a column?
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Is a tornado is a donut shaped storm?

No. Tornadoes are typically column of funnel shaped.

What is a destructive rotating storm in a shape of inverted funnel?

It is a tornado BUT it is funnel shaped NOT an "inverted funnel" The other rotating destructive wind phenomena is not part of a storm (they usually happen on clear, hot days) and is called a whirlwind.

What is spinning storm?

Different types of storm rotate. A large-scale rotating storm may be called a cyclone. A violently rotating storm that is produced by a thunderstorm is a tornado.

What is a tornado and what makes it occur?

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground, often made visible by a funnel or cone shaped cloud. A tornado occurs when rolling air called wind shear is turned vertical by a thunderstorm. This creates a supercell, a storm with a strong, rotating updraft called a mesocyclone. Under the right conditions a downdraft can wrap around the mesocyclone, forcing the rotating into a tighter, more intense vortex: a tornado.

Is a tornado a type of storm?

A tornado comes from a type of storm called a rotating thunderstorm, but is not a storm, itself.

A severe storm that forms from a rapidly rotating funnel cloud is a?

Such a storm is called a tornado.

A serve storm that forms as a rapidly rotating funnel cloud is called?

A tornado.

Is a typhoon a rotating storm?

Yes a typhoon is a type of storm that rotates.

What type of storm is most likely to cause a tornado?

Most tornadoes are produced by rotating thunderstorms called supercells.

What is a storm that is made up a rotating funel cloud?

They are called tornadoes and are made up inside of super Cells.

What can spawn a tornado?

Tornadoes are a product of severe thunderstorms, most often a type of rotating storm called a supercell.

Are tornadoes and storms the same thing?

Not really. A tornado is a specific type of storm. So a tornado is a storm, but most storms are not tornadoes. A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground often made visible by a funnel cloud.