

What is a single melodic line called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is a single melodic line called?
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What is the musical texture of the Kyrie?

It has a monophonic texture because it consists of a single melodic line. It has no harmony.

What is a sustained tone that serves as harmonic support to a melodic line called?

A drone

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The striking emotional effect created by the high point in the melodic line is called?

the climax

What is monophic music?

Do you mean monophonic music? that would be music with a single melodic line (that is, no harmony, counter melody etc.)

The musical feature that lent harmonic support to the main melodic line of a composition was called?

Basso continuo

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What is a monodic?

Monadic means to have a single vocal part. The term is used in descriptions of an ode for one voice or actor, and to describe a musical composition dominated by a single melodic line.

What is the difference between contrapuntal and homo-phonic?

Contrapuntal music uses counterpoint; the music consists of two or more melodic strands heard simultaneously. Homo-phonic music only has a single melodic line with accompaniment.

The small marks used to indicate melodic pitches sung over a single syllable were called?

Those are called "neumes." Neumes are notation symbols used in early music manuscripts to represent melodic patterns in vocal music.

In early notation the small marks used to indicate melodic pitches sung over a single syllable were called?


What is the highest point of a melodic line?

the climax