A Tetromino is a shape made of combinations of squares. You use 4 squares to make a Teromino. Its like a domino but using 3 squares instead of 2! There are 19 combinations of Terominoes if you count the rotated and reflected ones. Hope this helps you with your homework year eights!! xx
how many totrominoes can be drawn 12
The types of polyomino with cell numbers 1 to 12 are: Monomino Domino Tromino Tetromino Pentomino Hexomino Heptomino Octomino Decomino Undecomino Dodecomino
The pentomino is a collection of five squares connected to each other completely on one or more sides, similar to the two squares of a traditional "domino", or to the "tetromino" forms found in the game Tetris. There are 18 regular pentomino shapes, including 6 that are mirror forms. There are also the rotated versions of the forms. (see the related link)