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Q: What is a three dimensional image?
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What is the three dimensional image produced by laser light?

the three-dimensional image produced by laser light is a hologram

How are Mirror image and hologram different?

A hologram is a three-dimensional image, whereas a mirror image is two-dimensional.

What is an example of a three dimensional image?

A cube the simplest and oldest example of a three dimentional image

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What technique creates a three dimensional dynamic image of blood vessels

What s the difference between two and three dimensional art?

Two dimensional (2D) art could be a painting, or flat image. Three dimensional (3D) art could be a statue, or embossed (raised) image.

How are a mirror image and hologram different?

A mirror image is a reflection of an object's surface, while a hologram is a three-dimensional image produced by interference patterns of light. Mirror images appear two-dimensional and can't be seen from different angles, whereas holograms can be viewed in 3D and change perspective when viewed from different angles.

What is the three-dimensional image produced by laser light?

A hologram is a three-dimensional image produced by laser light. It appears to have depth and can be viewed from different angles, giving a sense of spatial presence. Holograms are created by recording the interference pattern between two laser beams on a photosensitive material.

Three dimensional image that seems to float in space?

Hi, I think you might be thinking of a holographic image. Thanks

What is the three dimensional image produced by laser beams called?

A hologram?

What is a picture that uses the principle of binocular disparity to create the perception of a three-dimensional image?

An example of a picture that uses the principle of binocular disparity is a stereogram. Stereograms create a three-dimensional image by presenting slightly different perspectives to each eye, allowing the brain to interpret them as one cohesive image with depth. When viewed correctly, hidden 3D shapes or objects can emerge.

What type of storage uses laser beams for three dimensional image?

what storage media uses laser beams to create three-dimension storage image

What is the three dimensional image made with laser light?

something that is viewed in 3-d