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isosceles triangles have 2 congruent sides

scalene triangles have no congruent sides

equilateral triangles have 3 congruent sides

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Q: What is a triangle called with 2 congurent sides?
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What is a triangle with 2 even sides called?

scalene triangle

A triangle with 2 equal sides is called what?

An isosceles triangle.

What triangle only have two equal sides?

No TRIangle can have two equal sides it would be an angle. A triangle with 2 equal sides is called an isosceles triangle.

What is a triangle with 2 sides the same length called?

Isosceles triangle

A triangle with 2 equal sides is called?

It is an isosceles triangle

Can a triangle have 2 perpendicular sides?

yes it can, this is called a right triangle.

A Triangle that has 2 sides of equal length?

A triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles is called an isosceles triangle.

A triangle with at least two equal sides?

That is an isosceles All equal sides is called an equilateral triangle 2 equal sides is an isosceles No equal sides is a scalene triangle

What is the two sides of an isosceles triangle called?

It has 2 congruent sides and a base

How can a triangle be classified in two ways?

You can classify a triangle by its sides, or by its angles.To classify a triangle by its sides:1- A triangle with three sides that are equal in length is called an equilateral triangle.2- A triangle with two sides of the same length and one different is called an isosceles triangle. 3- A triangle with no sides of equal length is called a scalene triangle. To classify a triangle by its angles: 1- A triangle with three angles that are greater than 0 and less than 90 degrees is called an acute triangle.2- A triangle with one angle that is 90 degrees exactly is called a right angle triangle.3- A triangle with one angle that is greater than 90 degrees is called an obtuse triangle.

What is a tringle with 2 equal sides called?

A triangle with two sides of equal length is an isoscelestriangle.NOTE : A triangle with three equal sides is an equilateral triangle.A triangle with all three sides of different lengths is a scalene triangle.

The name of triangle which 2 angle and 2 sides are equal?

a triangle who has 2 angle and 2 sides that are equal are called.... um... >.>; idk... a isosoleces triangle(not sure about spelling) check it out -->