uh... im guessing you could use the word lateral which means: pertaining to the side. or you could use quadrilateral which means: having four sides
if the rectangles length doubles then the area doubles as well. ex. if a rectangle has 1 on every side and it doubles then it becomes 2 on every side meaning that 2 times one oter side will give u the area meaning area= 4. hope this helps :)
Adjacent acute angle is not one word. An Adjacent angles are angles that are side by side.
The root word 'lat' means side.
The root word 'lat' means side.
The root word 'lat' means side.
side......as in lateral
The abbreviation for "Latin" is "Lat."
lateral-meaning side
Paranoid, with the word "Para" meaning "Side by side".
The word latter is 2 syllables. Lat-ter.
There are two syllables. Lat-er.
The noun profile is a word meaning a side view of the face.The word 'profile' also functions as a verb.