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Q: What is an 60 sided shape called?
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What is a 60 sided 3d shape called?

Pentakis Dodecahedron

What do you call a 60 sided shape?

A 60 sided shape is called a hexaconta. The hex prefix means 6 and the conta suffix is used for polygons with 20 to 100 sides.

What do you call an 20 sided shape?

10 sided 2D shape is called a decagon 20 sided 2D shape is called a icosagon 30 sided 2D shape is a swimming pool 40 sided 2D shape is unknown 50 sided 2D shape is unknown 60 sided 2d shape is unknown 70 sided 2d shape is unknown 80 sided 2d shape is unknown 90 sided 2d shape is unknown 100 sided 2d shape is unknown 110 sided 2d shape is unknown 111 sided 2d shape is unknown 120 sided 2d shape is unknown 130 sided 2d shape is unknown

What is a 7 sided shape in Canada called?

it is called a seven sided shape in Canada

What is a 63 sided shape called?

A 63-sided shape is called a hexacontatrigon. The naming convention for polygons is based on Greek numerical prefixes, where "hexa" represents 60 and "conta" represents 3. Therefore, a hexacontatrigon is a polygon with 63 sides.

What is a 64 sided shape called?

A 64-sided shape is called a hexacontatetragon. The prefix "hexaconta-" denotes 60, while the suffix "-tetragon" indicates a four-sided polygon. Therefore, a hexacontatetragon is a polygon with 64 sides.

What is a 10 sided-shape called?

A 10-sided shape is called a decagon.

What is an 5 sided shape called?

An five sided shape is called a Pentagon

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a 69 sided shape is called a sexagon

What is a 90 sided shape called?

A 90 sided shape is called Enneacontagon.

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What is a 22 sided shape called?

The 22 sided shape is called a: ICOSIKAIDIGON