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Q: What is an angle that is neither right or obtuse?
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Is a right angle cosidered obtuse or acute?

A right angle is considered neither an acute nor an obtuse angle. It's just a right angle.

What is a rectangle is it a right angle acute or obtuse?

its a right angle

What is a 90 degree angle?

A 90 degree angle is a right angle, or also it can be thought as being neither acute nor obtuse.

Does an right angle have an obtuse angle?

First: A right angle is an angle of 90 degrees Second: An obtuse angle is an angle of 91 degrees to 179 degrees A right angle can not have an obtuse angle

Is a triangle an acut angle or obtuse angle?

Neither. A triangle is a polygon, not an angle - acute (acut, even) or obtuse.

What kind of the triangle according to sides of the angle?

If one angle is a right angle, it is a right triangle. If one angle is an obtuse angle, it is an obtuse triangle. If there are no right nor obtuse angle then it is an acute triangle.

Which is bigger an obtuse angle or a right angle?

obtuse because it is over 90oa right angle is 90o

Can a right trinlg have an obtuse angle in it?

No, it isn't possible for a right triangle to have an obtuse angle.

Is one hundred and eighty angle obtuse or a reflex angle?

It is neither, a 180 degree angle is a straight angle. 90 degrees is a right angle. Angles between 90 and 180 degrees are obtuse. Angles over 180 degrees are reflex.

Is a 165 degree angle an acute an obtuse or a right angle?


What type of angle is 115 degrees?

It is an obtuse angle

Why is a obtuse angle called a obtuse angle?

A obtuse angle is called an obtuse angle because if obtuse means bigger in degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees than a obtuse angle must be over 90 degrees.