A regular object is an object that can be measured easily. Like a cube of wood, or a rectangular eraser.
An irregular object is an object that can not be measured easily. Like a lump of clay or a rock because it has no exact measurements.
water displacement
We get the idea that an "irregular sphere" is not a sphere. At that point, we knowexactly what it isn't, but not much yet about what it is. So you have to reveal a lotmore about it before anyone can calculate its volume. Like, for example, less infoabout what the object is not like, and more definition of its actual shape.
Polygons can either be regular or irregular. A regular polygon is for example a octagon which has sides and angles that are all the same. Irregular they are not all the same.
Partly fill a container with a liquid and mark its level on the side of the container. Then submerge the irregular object in the liquid and mark the new level. The volume of the irregular object is the difference in the two volumes marked in the container. Obviously, you need to ensure that the object is not soluble in the liquid. A variation on this method is to start with a container that is on a collecting tray. Fill the container to the brim, then gently insert the object and measure the liquid that overflows into the tray. This method requires only one measurement of the liquid's volume but it also requires great care to ensure that the object is submerged gently and that the meniscus (if any) is the same before and after. Not easy to do.
Ensure you have the right measurment and the calculations are correct
To find the volume of an irregular object using water displacement, you need to first measure the initial volume of water in a container. Next, carefully submerge the object in the water and measure the new volume of water. The difference in water volume before and after submerging the object is equal to the volume of the irregular object.
To find the mass of an irregular object using a common balance, you can first weigh a known object with a regular shape to calibrate the balance. Then, weigh the irregular object. Subtract the mass of the known object from the total mass to determine the mass of the irregular object.
an object that has no symmetry
To find the volume of an irregular object such as a rock, you have to use displacement. If you place the object in a graduated cylinder filled with water, the volume of the object is equal to the amount of water that the object displaces. For example, if a graduated cylinder is filled with 100mL of water, and you place an object such as a rock and the water rises from 100mL to 106mL, then the volume of the rock is 6.
it is an object that does not have an explanation for the sides
Volume of irregular or regular shape object is the space reserved by the object in any medium.
Partition (or divide) the irregular object into summation of regular objects and then calculate the volume.
irregular rocks,shells
The correct method for finding the volume of an irregular object is to use water displacement. Fill a container with water, note the initial volume, then submerge the irregular object in the water. Measure the new volume of water displaced by the object. The difference in the initial and final volumes is the volume of the irregular object.
method usede to figure the volume of an irregular shaped object
I am not positive but i think that a regular shaped object can be measured and an irregular can not Hope this helps :D
The volume of the object.