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On an obtuse triangle the orthocenter is located on the outside of the triangle and the orthocenter of the right triangle is located at the vertex of the triangle ...

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Q: What is an orthocentre and where it is located for an obtuse right and a right angled triangles?
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How many obtuse angled triangles are in heptagon?


What are the 7 types of triangles?

The seven types of triangles are Isosceles, equilateral, scalene, equiangular, acute-angled, obtuse-angled, and right-angled

Does a obtuse angled isosceles triangle have congruent side?

All isosceles triangles must have two congruent sides otherwise it is not isosceles. Whether it is acute angled, right angled or obtuse angled is irrelevant.

Given a regular heptagon how many obtuse angled triangles are there?

there are 14 obtuse angled triangles. to work this out, join all the vertices together, making a 7-pointed star. then count all the obtuse-angled triangles. i got might get a different answer, if so, i apologise. lol i know where u got this question from... anyway hoped i helped :)

What are the circutances for an altitude to lie outside a triangles?

It must be an obtuse angled triangle.

Do all triangles have 3 obtuse angles?

no, a triangle can only have 1 obtuse angle at a time. this type of a triangle is called obtuse angled triangle.

Is a triangle symmetric?

'Isocoles' and 'Equalateral' triangles are, scalene, right angled, and obtuse triangles are not.

How many obtuse angled triangles are there in a regular heptagon where the vertices of each triangle are vertices of the heptagon?

There are 5 triangles in an heptagon

What type of triangle has an angle that measures 120 degrees?

An obtuse angled triangle.An obtuse angled triangle.An obtuse angled triangle.An obtuse angled triangle.

Are scalene triangles all obtuse?

No, a scalene triangle is simply a triangle where all angles are not equal and all side lengths are not equal, therefore they can or cannot be obtuse.

Given n points in the plane you draw all possible triangles whose vertices are any three of the given points Atleast how many of them are obtuse-angled triangles?

The least number of obtuse triangles, if all possible triangles are drawn for n points in a plane, is zero. If all the n points lie in a straight line, no triangles are possible and so no obtuse triangles are able to be drawn; thus for any number n, there is a possibility that no obtuse triangles can be drawn, so the least possible number of obtuse triangles drawn is zero.

What type of triangle has an angle that measures 120 degrees and an angle that measures thirty degrees for kids?

It is an obtuse angled isosceles triangle.It is an obtuse angled isosceles triangle.It is an obtuse angled isosceles triangle.It is an obtuse angled isosceles triangle.