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It is the vertex at which all the triangular faces meet.

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Q: What is apex in a pyramid?
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How many apexs does a triangular pyramid have?

A triangular pyramid has one apex. The apex of a pyramid is its pointed tip on top. A triangular pyramid has four faces and a triangle-shaped base.

Which 3d shapes have 10 corners?

A nonagon based pyramid. An octagon based dipyramid. An octagonal base with a double-apex "pyramid". A heptagonal base with a triple-apex "pyramid". A heptagonal pyramid with a double-apex "pyramid" on the other side. A pentagonal prism. There are many more.

Whats the highest point of pyramid called?


What is the top of pyramid called?

The top of the pyramid was called the capstone.

What is a rectangular pyramid?

A pyramid with a rectangular base coming up to an apex.

How are a triangular pyramid and a square pyramid different?

A triangular pyramid has a triangular base and three triangular faces meeting at its apex. A square pyramid has a square base and four triangular faces meeting at its apex.

What is the height of a pyramid called?

The apex.

How many apex's are in a pyramid?


What is the difference between a cone and a pyramid?

A Cone has a curved base meeting through an apex while. Pyramid has a polygonal base connecting to an apex.

Does a pentagonal pyramid have an apex?

All pyramids have an apex, including a pentagonal one.

What is the shape that has 5 sides and 6 corners?

A pyramid with a line rather than a single point for its apex. Basically a long pyramid, imagine if you stretched a pyramid and its apex stretched from a point - into a line -------.

What is the apex of renal pyramid?

It is called the papilla.