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Q: What is botanical bisectors?
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Which type of triangle will always have 3 angle bisectors that are also perpendicular bisectors?


How many perpendicular bisectors does an equilateral triangle have?

Equilateral triangles have 3 perpendicular bisectors

At what point are the angle bisectors of a triangle concurrent?

Angle bisectors intersect at the incenter which is equidistant from the sides

What is the center of triangles?

The intersection of the bisectors of the angles. (Sorry _ my original answer, the bisectors of the sides, was clearly wrong.)

Are diagonals on a parallelogram perpendicular bisectors?

No, they are just bisectors. The angle between them is not (usually) the 90o required to be perpendicular.

How many medians altitudes angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors does a triangle have?

medians-3 altitudes-3

What is the intersection of the angle bisectors called?

The 3 angle bisectors of a triangle intersect in a point known as the INCENTER.

In any triangle when bisectors meet at one point then the bisectors are called?

This point is called the incentre of the triangle.

What is the point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle called?

The circumcenter, the incenter is the point of concurrency of the angle bisectors of a triangle.

The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular bisectors of one another?

True, the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular bisectors of one another.

Do Bisectors create right angles?

no bisectors create 2 equal angles, altitudes create right angles

What its it called when the angle bisectors of a triangle at a single point?

The point in which all the angle bisectors intersect is called the incenter.