incongruent- Is when you are saying one thing, but your body language does not match up.
E.g Saying yes but shaking your head.
congruent- Is when your your body language and what you are saying match up.
E.g saying yes and nodding your head.
Body Language and Gestures
A watershed is an area of land that drains to a common body of water.
shoreline ;)
A full body ceramic tile carries the design and color through the thickness of the tile. The term "half body tile" appears not to be widely used, but may mean that the design and color do not go through the entire thickness of the tile.
growth spert
The most common verbal symbol is body language. Body language is a type of non-verbal communication wherein the person shows clues through its body movement.
Non Verbal Communication. Non Verbal Behaviour.
Non Verbal Communication. Non Verbal Behaviour.
body language?
sign language, body language
Well sign language is a verbal becuase verbal mean to send message and you are sending language to one and another. so..... sign language is a verbal
Sign language, body language, reading a billboard. Non-verbal communication which is communication without using words as in speaking to someone. These would include things like body language, gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
Non-verbal communication.
Non-verbal language refers to forms of communication that do not involve spoken or written words, such as facial expressions, body language, gestures, and eye contact. It can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions, and can complement or contradict verbal communication.
No. Non-verbal means body language while non-written means verbal.
Body language can be characterized as nonverbal communication through gestures, postures, facial expressions, and eye movements. It can convey emotions, attitudes, intentions, and social status. Understanding body language can help in interpreting one's thoughts and feelings beyond verbal communication.
It means you are invested in the verbal interaction.