A colloquial way of referring to algebra and geometry as a single item. The two subjects are very closely related and often taught together.
GeoGebra is all about algebra. The site offers innovative ways to learn algebra. If your child needs to learn algebra and is having trouble with traditional methods or if you just want to learn algebra this is the site for you. The site is designed to interest preteens and teens but anyone can use it.
I would suggest you plot it using, say GeoGebra. (Very easy to use.) On the left side of the y-axis the graph never falls below y=-1, I think. It climbs indefinitely on the right side. It extends indefinitely to the left, and to the right. But, as I say, if you learn GeoGebra, many problems like these will become much easier.
On the web you can use Wolfram-Alpha for algebra, calculus and numerical analysis (link below). For numerical calculations you can use Google. On you own computer GeoGebra can be helpful for displaying functions and other tasks (link below).
lim x -> -inf [x/ex] = lim x -> +inf[-x/e-x] = - lim x -> +inf [ xex ] = -infIf you want to see this function then I suggest you use either:(a) wolframalpha.com: put in show me x/exp(x)or (b) geogebra, which is available for the desktop.
It is important for math teachers to be closer connected to technological resources for many reasons.Resources such as smart boards and projectors are useful in classrooms and can be used to boost understanding levels of students.Better communication with students can be developed if programs on the internet (email, moodle) are used.There are also many offline programs such as Geogebra which can be used to help explain the topics better and make the classroom a better learning experience for students.
Use a protractor, or computer software such as GeoGebra (available for free).To draw an an angle of specified measure with a protractor:Draw a straight linePlace a dot at one end of the line. The dot represents the vertex of the angle.Place the center of the protractor at the vertex dot and the baseline of the protractor along line you drew (an arm of the angle).Find the required angle on the scale and then mark a small dot at the edge of the protractor.Join the small dot to the vertex with a ruler to form the second arm of the angle.Label the angle with capital letters.
It's difficult for me to be sure what function you are asking about, because of the limitations of answers.com. I am considering y = -1 + csc (x) csc (x) = 1/sin(x) and sin is a periodic function of x. Ignoring what happens for negative values of sin(x), csc(x) is at local minima for maximal values of sin(x), which occur at x = (2k+1/2)pi for i any integer. Putting the -1 into -1 + csc(x) simply 'lowers' the function without changing the positions of these minima. PS: Incidentally, using GeoGebra can be a big help in solving problems like these. Free. Easy to use.