An obtuse triangle has an obtuse angle.
obtuse triangle
No, an obtuse triangles has one obtuse angle and two acute angles. If a triangle has an obtuse angle, it is considered obtuse and cannot be acute.
name two obtuse vertical angles.
I don't think so because obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle
An obtuse triangle has an obtuse angle.
obtuse triangle
No, an obtuse triangles has one obtuse angle and two acute angles. If a triangle has an obtuse angle, it is considered obtuse and cannot be acute.
its a right angle
no, it only has 1 obtuse angle.
No, because if there is on obtuse angle the triangle will always be obtuse.
A obtuse angle is called an obtuse angle because if obtuse means bigger in degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees than a obtuse angle must be over 90 degrees.
An obtuse angled triangle.An obtuse angled triangle.An obtuse angled triangle.An obtuse angled triangle.
No an abtuse triangle can not have two obtuse angles
No, because if there is on obtuse angle the triangle will always be obtuse.
obtuse triangle