Beyond 100-sided polygons, mathematicians generally resort to using the number, i.e., a 123-sided polygon would be called a 123-gon. In this respect, there is no limit to the length of the name of a polygon, as there is no limit to the number of sides a polygon can have.
However, for named polygons, if considering the number of letters in the name, there are 16 that are tied, with 21 letters. The one with the smallest number of sides is the tetracontakaitetragon (44 sides). The one with the largest number of sides is the enneacontakaienneagon (99 sides). Any polygon with a two-digit number of sides, such that both digits are either 4, 5, 7, or 9 (but the two digits need not be the same) will have a name with 21 letters. This derives from the fact that the prefixes for 4, 5, 7, and 9 (tetra, penta, hepta, and ennea) have more letters than those for the other prefixes.
However, if you consider the number of syllables in the name, the winner is enneacontakaienneagon (99 sides), with 10 syllables, because the ennea prefix (which appears twice in this name) has 3 syllables as opposed to two for all the other prefixes, even the ones that have 5 letters.
The polygon with the longest name is the heptacontakaihexagon, which has 76 sides. It's a mouthful to say, but hey, at least it's technically correct. Good luck trying to fit that on a Scrabble board!
The polygon with the longest name is the "heptacontakaiheptagon," which is a 77-sided polygon. The name is derived from Greek roots, with "hepta" meaning seven and "kai" meaning and. This polygon has 77 sides, with each angle measuring 175.71 degrees in a regular heptacontakaiheptagon.
Oh, dude, the polygon with the longest name is the "heptacontakaihexagon." Yeah, I know, it sounds like a spell from Harry Potter, but it's just a shape with 76 sides. Like, who even needs a shape with that many sides? It's like the overachiever of polygons.
the name of a 7sided polygon is hexagon.
inite polygon
The name of a 12 sided polygon is Dodecagon.
The name of a 7 sided polygon is Heptagon.
A 8 sided polygon is called a octagon.
Polytagoreannippolopolislyginga. No joke. Its an actual shape. Google it. Or Yahoo. There's also Rhombotrunicatediscododechedron which is exactly the same size.
the name of a 7sided polygon is hexagon.
inite polygon
The name for this polygon is a nonagon,
name of 4000 sided polygon
The name of a 12 sided polygon is Dodecagon.
The name of a 7 sided polygon is Heptagon.
Regular polygon Equilateral polygon Polygon with rotational symmetry
A 8 sided polygon is called a octagon.
The name of a 18 sided polygon is Octadecagon.
The name of a 99 sided polygon is enneacontaenneagon.
The name of a 8 sided polygon is Octagon.