Rotational symmetry is defined as the shape or image can be rotated some amount and it still looks the same. The image can be rotated to three different positions and it would look the same.
A trapezium does not have rotational symmetry.
The letters H and Z have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry
It has 8lines of rotational symmetry
A Square.
yes it does. It a rotational symmetry of 3
Only H.
A trapezium does not have rotational symmetry.
The letters H and Z have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry
It has rotational symmetry to the order of 2
It has 8lines of rotational symmetry
Equilateral triangles have rotational symmetry.
A trapezoid has no rotational symmetry.
No a Z doesn't have a rotational symmetry
A Square.
A line has rotational symmetry of order 2.
It has line symmetry (straight down the center) but not rotational symmetry.
It does have rotational symmetry of order three.