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The value of the dependent variable

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Q: What is shown on the y-axis?
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Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?

Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?Read more:Which_point_is_not_located_on_the_xaxis_or_the_yaxis_of_a_coordinate_grid

What direction does each of the yaxis run?

up and down. the x goes left and right

When your independent variable is plotted on the xaxis and the dependent variable is plotted on the yaxis?

.... then your graph is inverted.

Is yaxis positev?

The vertical y axis on the Cartesian plane is both negative and positive

To design a building which type of moment of inertia you use about xaxis about yaxis or polar moment of inertia?

We use y_y axes

What is in a line graph the?

The main vertical line going up the middle is generally refered to as the y axis, while the horizontal line that meets the yaxis in the middle is refered to as the x axis. the line that's going up the line that's going across is the x axis

Was showed or was shown?


What is the difference between shown in drawing and shown on drawing?

Shown in drawing and shown on drawing can mean the same thing. These statements would both indicate that the concept is shown somewhere within the drawing.

What night did rte show Dallas?

It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.It was shown on RTE1. It was broadcast on Saturday nights.

What is the homophone for the word shown?


A triangle ABC and its translated image XYZ are shown at right?

No, nothing is shown at right!

What is correct Had showed or had shown?

The correct phrase is "had shown." This is the past perfect tense of the verb "show."