Cartesian coordinates after the 17th Century French mathematician and philosopher, Rene Descartes
An XY plane is a standard graphing coordinate plane that can be used to graph any point. It looks like a plus sign with arrows on the ends of the lines.
This is False the correct definition is this: The number lines that form a Cartesian coordinate system are called the axes and the point where they intersect is called the origin.
the y-coordinate is 0.
plane xy
It is simply called a point in the coordinate or Cartesian plane.
If Y = 0 then there is no value of X such that XY = 1.
A vertical line in the xy coordinate plane would represent the line of an equation such as x = 1 or x = -4.
no, coordinate graph is a graph made on a coordinate plane i.e xy-plane
It is the abscissa.
No. You're actually describing the 'Cartesian Coordinate System' invented by Rene' Descartes. He's such a fascinating person, you should treat yourself to a read about him. Check out the link below;
cosine, sin* * * * *No. They are the horizontal or x-coordinate, called the abscissa; and the vertical or y-coordinate, called the ordinate.
The xy or Cartesian or coordinate plane.
It is called the origin.