It promote national integration
What are the five advantages of parallel culture?
religons, celebrations fun things marriage etc.
Yes. A rhombus is parallel. Or also called a parallelogram. It's parallel because it is a quadrilateral with 4 parallel sides.
The parallel sides of a polygon are sides that are segments of parallel lines. A polygon need not have any parallel lines. A triangle, for example, is a polygon that cannot have parallel lines.
A square has four parallel sides (two pairs of parallel sides).
It brings about unity, understanding
What are the five advantages of parallel culture?
the advantages and disadvantages culture tourism in the cuba
The same supply voltage is across all parallel loads.
advantages of beliefs in korea
There are many advantages of organizational culture. One of these advantages is the fact that things are run more efficiently.
What is Nike's organizational culture?
Advantages of culture. Disadvantages of culture. 1.due to culture , we now have access to electricity. 2.we now have access to faster technology. such as the use of mobile phones.etc
Parallel is hard for some people and easy for some people.
One advantage for parallel transmission is the speed that the data can travel at, while one disadvantage for parallel transmission is the high cost of it
social justice and egurity
the term parallel culture refers to a situation where everyone is forced to obey the imposed standard culture when out in public, but they develop their own parallel world in private. It's usually been applied in situations like life under communism; sort of a conform-or-die mentality (from the official point of view). Act out of line and you'll be punished. Go home, lock the door, and be who you want.