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its is called materializm

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Q: What is the ancestry traced through the maternal or mother's line called?
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What is tracing through your father's side of the family called?

If you are tracing your father's ancestry, you are looking at your paternal ancestry.

What does family of mother's side is called?

Your mother's family is your maternal family.Family history traced through the mother is called the matrilineal history.

What is my maternal grandfather's side of the family called?

Your maternal grandfather's side of the family is referred to as your maternal grandfather's lineage or maternal grandfather's family.

How were the Iroquois and Algonquins different?

The main difference between them is that the Algonquians traced along the line of there father which is called Patrilineal and the Iroquois traced the line of their mothers ancestry which is called Matrilineal.

What is your father's maternal grandmother called?

Your father's maternal grandmother is your great-grandmother.

What do I call maternal uncle's daughter?

she would be called your cousin. Maternal uncle's daughter is your cousin.

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What is the term for a white and black ancestry?

A person with a Caucasian and African ancestry was called a Mulatto.

What do you call a person who studies family ancestry?

A person who studies family ancestry is called a genealogist.

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What is my maternal uncle's wife called?

your great uncle