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540 degree for the interior angles

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Q: What is the angle sum for a 5 sided polygon?
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What is the sum of angles in a 5-sided polygon?

The sum is 540 degrees, each angle being 108 degrees.In general, in an n-sided polygon, the sum of the angles is 180 (n-2).

What is the name of a polygo with 4 right angles and has 5 sided?

It does not exist as a 5 sided polygon. To have 5 sides, it must have 5 angles (or vertices). The sum of the angles of a 5 sided polygon is (5-2) x 180o = 540o. The sum of 4 right angles is 4 x 90o = 360o → the 5th angle is 540o - 360o = 180o which is a straight line There are infinitely many points with such an angle along each of the sides; or to put it another way, for a vertex to exist it cannot have an angle of 180o. Thus if the polygon has 4 right angles, it cannot be a 5 sided polygon.

What is the angle of a 12 sided polygon?


What polygon shows the interior angle that measures 540 degrees?

A pentagon (5 sided polygon) has the sum of its interior angles equal 540°.The formula for a general N-sided polygon is:[sum of interior angles] = N*180° - 360°

What is the angle measure of each exterior angle of a 72-sided regular polygon?

5 degrees

What degree is a regular exterior angle of a 5-sided polygon?

Each exterior angle is 72 degrees

What is the sum of an angle for a 5 sided shape?

"The sum of an angle"? If you ask like a lesstard* then you might get an answer. *lesstard<motard<retard

What is the sum of the angle measures of a 17 sided polygon?

Heres a good trick to figuring out the sum of the angles of an "n" sided polygon. It's common knowledge that a triangle (3 sides) has a sum of 180 degrees and a square (4 sides) is 360 degrees. You can infer that a pentagon (5 sides) has a sum of 540 degrees. So the equation to figure out the sum of all the angles of an "n" sided polygon is 180*(n-2). So in your case n = 17 so the equation becomes 180(17-2) = 2700 degrees

What shape is a 5 sided polygon?

A 5 sided polygon is a pentagon

What is the sum of the interior angles of a regular 5-sided polygon?

540o. Regularity doesn't matter!

The angle at the centre of a regular polygon is 72 degrees how many sides has the polygon?

360 ÷ 72 = 5, so that the regular polygon is a pentagon (a five-sided polygon).

What kind of polygon is a pentagon?

A pentagon is a polygon with an interior angle sum measure of 540 degrees and 5 sides.