The area is 314 cm2
314.2 square cm
78.54 square cm
10cm or 0.05meters
A cylinder with a height of 4cm and a width of 10cm has a lateral area of about 125.66cm2
The circle's area is 314.159 cm2
A = ~78.53cm2
The area is 7.95775cm2
314.1592653589793 cm3
The area is 314 cm2
314.2 square cm
39.27 square cm
78.54 square cm
Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 314.0
78.54 square cm
Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 78.5
The circumference of a circle with radius of 10cm is: 62.83 cm