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Q: What is the area of a tissue box?
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Related questions

What can you get from eating tissue?

a free tissue box

Weight of tissue box in grams?

The weight of a tissue box can vary depending on the size and brand. On average, a typical tissue box can weigh anywhere from 80 grams to 250 grams.

What is the weight of a box of tissues?

51 g

What are the Art attack instrucktions to make a tissue box cover?

To create a tissue box cover for Art Attack, start by measuring the dimensions of the tissue box. Cut a piece of cardboard to fit around the box, leaving an opening at the top. Decorate the cardboard cover with paint, markers, or other materials as desired. Finally, place the tissue box inside the cover and display your creation!

How many grams is a tissue box?

A tissue box typically weighs around 200-300 grams, depending on the size and brand.

Is a tissue box translucent?

Yes, a tissue box is typically made of cardboard or plastic material that is not translucent, meaning it does not allow light to pass through. However, some tissue boxes may have a small transparent window or be made of a translucent material.

Where were the dead Celts buried?

in a tissue box

How many vertices does tissue box have?

there are 8

Is a tissue box a rectangular prism?

Yes it is

How many m and m s does it take to fill a tissue box?

depends on the size of the tissue box and the size of the m&m's that are being used.

Where can someone buy a tissue box holder?

One can buy a tissue box holder at stores which carry household goods, for example Anna's Linens. Other stores which carry general merchandise such as Target, Walmart and K Mart also sell tissue box holders.

Where do you find the tissue box on panfu?

In the beauty saloon