About 1.22R^2, where R is the width (radius of each forming circle). The exact formula is at: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/VesicaPiscis.html
mandorla or vesica piscis (if they have the same radius)
length x width = area
You can convert the built up area into the carpet area by simply covering the area in a carpet.
Area 4
the equation for area is area = length * width. area = 3cm*4cm. Area = 12cm^2
mandorla or vesica piscis (if they have the same radius)
No, but it is a prolate spheroid. Alternative answer: An American football is not well described by a prolate spheroid, though that shape can describe a rugby ball. An American football is more accurately described as a vesica piscis that has been rotated about it's long axis.
"(Urinary) bladder" is an English equivalent of "vesica."
Vox Piscis was created in 1627.
piscis = a fish pisces = fishes
Piscis (genitive: piscis, m).
Well, I don't believe it is. It does have its affiliation with freemasonry; the Vesica Picis. It also associated with ancient symbolism."Piscis" refers to the fact that the middle section resembles a fish (piscies). Its mystical meaning has always been shrouded in mystery but most agree that it is meant to represent the feminine principle - the "vulva of the Goddess".
Triangles by definition have three sides; a two-sided triangle is impossible. In fact, no closed geometrical figure can be created out of only two straight lines. An angle is not closed. A vesica piscis is not made of straight lines. (This is the lens-like shape created in the intersection of two circles.)
The cast of Piscis - 2011 includes: Andrea Carballo Pedro Merlo
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