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The area of a circle, in terms of pie, with a diameter of 36 is: about 324pi

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Q: What is the area of the circle in terms of pie with a diameter of 36?
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How do you find the diamter of a circle if you know the area?

In order to find the diameter of a circle if you have the area is to rearrange the formula for the area of a circle to put diameter as the unknown, like so: PIE*d = Area of a Circle d = (Area of a Circle) / PIE Therefore if the area of your circle is 40cm, 40/PIE = 12.73cm and that's the diameter.

What is the Diameter of circle with a area?

the diameter is the length across the circle, the area is pie r squared r is radius, which is half of the diameter

What is the circumference of a circle if its 5.7 and you leave your answer in terms of pie?

Circumference of a circle = diameter*pi

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 12?

36 pie

The diameter of a circle is 9 cm What is the area of the circle?

pie x 4.5 squared

Area of a circle using 7 inches and 3.14 as pie?

A circle with a 7 inch diameter has an area of 38.48451.

How do find the diameter of the circle in terms of pi?

perimeter of a circle = pie *r^2 Hence r^2 = perimeter/ pie hence r = (perimeter/Pie)^1/2 Hence diameter = 2r= 2* ( perimeter?pie) ^1/2

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How are radius and diameter alike and different?

Alike: Their in the formula to find the area of the circle pie times radius squared or pie times diameter divided by 2 Different: In a circle, radius is half of the diameter. Example: If the diameter of a circle is 10. Then the radius would be 5.

The area of circle is 1024 pie square meter what is the diameter?

Solve the equation for the area of the circle (area = pi x radius2) for radius. Multiply the radius by 2 to obtain the diameter.

What is the formula of the surface area of a circle?

The area of a circle is pie(22/7) or (3.14) times R2 R = the radius of the circle (1/2 of the diameter)

What is the area of a circle with radius 3 meters Give your answer in terms of pie?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 28.259999999999998