

Best Answer

It depends on what you define as 'best'.

Do you need to make the container a certain height or a certain width (diameter) ?

You need to know a few things.

Firstly 1 ml is the same as 1cc (cubic centimeter)

(All units are cm, unless otherwise stated)

The formula for volume of a cylinder is the area multiplied by the height or

Volume of a cylinder = 3.14 x Radius x Radius x Height

So using this formula 240ml = 3.14 x R² x H

or 240/3.14 = R² x H

or 76.43 = R² x H

If the height is a given and you need to find the radius then use:

R = The square root of 76.43 / H

eg: If the height = 6cm

R = The square root of 76.43 / 6

R = 3.56cm

If the radius is a given and you need to find the height the use:

H = 76.43 / R²

eg: If the radius = 3.56cm

H = 76.43 / 3.56²

H = 76.43 / 12.6736

H = 6.03cm

The above dimensions are for demonstration ony and make a pretty squat container. Play around and see what you come up with. When I am doing packaging design I use a 3D CAD program to quickly calculate volume as I change the shape or the container. It might be worth it to look for a free sketch up program on the internet which can do your volume calculations for you each time, as well as give you an quick idea of what the container will look like. Have fun


You can use any units you like but it is easiest if you use centimeters. then you get the answers in cm³ or cc which is the same as milliliters (ml) (Otherwise you have to move the decimal place to the left or the right in multiples of 3, because if the 3 Cartesian planes which make up volume, X, Y, Z or LxWxH.

To convert 10mm to cm you take away 1 zero (or move the decimal one place to the left.) to get 1cm. To convert 1000mm³ (10mmx10mmx10mm) into cm³ you need to move the decimal place to the left 3 times, once for each plane where the units are one decimal across to get 1cm³ (1cmx1cmx1cm) Get it ?

(Try it using cubes you will see that I am getting at, it will also help you get the hang of volume and space for future calculations)

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Q: What is the best shape of dimensions of a cylindrical container that will hold 240ml?
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