Answer1: the shape of a red blood cell
Answer 2: What is meant by 'best'? Is it highest (which is going to be fairly difficult to define practically), lowest (which has a well defined answer), or optimized somewhere in between due to 'external' constrains and conditions?
The sum of the areas of each face of the solid.
Whether a cylinder is laid horizontally, or standing vertically, it has the same volume.The volume of a cylinder is the 'square area' of the circle at the end, multiplied by its length/height.The area of a circle is Pi x diameter. (The inner diameter is probably best. The final calculation will then show the total internal volume in cubic units.)End area x length = volume.If the cylinder is laid horizontally, the distance between the ends would be called its length. If the cylinder is standing up, the distance between the ends is called its height.
The 'best' estimate of the area of a circle with a radius of 7.62 meters is: 182.414692 m2
The volume of a cylinder with a radius of 3 cm and a height of 8 cm is 709.8912 square centimeters.
A.S.Apex :)
They have the same volume, B has more surface area.
For a given area, the biggest volume you can enclose is a sphere. A sphere has the best volume-to-area ratio.
Spherical shapes are the most efficient for retaining heat, as they have the lowest surface area-to-volume ratio. This means there is less surface area for heat to escape from compared to other shapes like cubes or cylinders.
Answer: There doesn't appear to be a single best answer to this type of question. But if we're proposing simple shapes as answers, then a proportionally very thin film (like a sheet of paper) seems serve adequately. From what I have seen and gather, shapes with long length and width and a short depth would have a bigger surface area compared to its volume. in addition, shapes like cubes and spheres will have a greater volume for their surface area.
surface area to volume is an important concept in biology because cells get their nutrients by difusing it in through their membranes so it is easier for a cell with a better S.A:V to difuse more stuff in in comparison to it's needs
Spherical shapes are the most efficient at containing heat. This is because a sphere has the smallest surface area relative to its volume, which minimizes heat loss through conduction and radiation. Additionally, spherical shapes promote even distribution of heat throughout the object.
One adaptation to increase the surface to volume ratio is having a larger surface area relative to the volume, such as in structures like villi in the small intestine or gills in fish. This allows for more efficient exchange of materials like nutrients and gases with the environment.
First, note that a surface has area, but a solid figure has volume. There is no such thing as "volume area". Now, to find the volume is easy, assuming all surface angles are right angles. Just multiply .5 * .5 * 6 = 1.5 cubic centimeters. Surface area is a little harder. The surface will consist of two .5 by .5 squares and four .5 by 6 rectangles. (The best way to see this is to draw a picture.) So we have 2 times .25 square centimeters plus 4 times .5 times 6 square centimeters, which equals .5 + 12 = 12.5 square centimeters surface area.
The small size of cells is best correlated with a higher surface area-to-volume ratio. This allows for efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products with the environment. Small cell size also helps in maintaining proper cellular functions by facilitating quicker diffusion of molecules.
The surface area is 273.63 square units.