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Q: What is the bottom line of a triangle called?
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What is the bottom of the triangle called?

The bottom of the triangle is typically referred to as the base of the triangle. All triangles have a base.

What is is the bottom of a triangle called?

The bottom of the triangle is typically referred to as the base of the triangle. All triangles have a base.

What is a triangle with a straight line called?

A right triangle??

What does an relevant notation trangle look like?

A relevant notion triangle is a triangle where side a is the longest line of a the triangle, the side b is the second longest line from the top of the triangle down to the right side of the triangle. The last line is side c which is the shortest line from the top to the bottom left.

Is the bottom of a triangle still a face?

A triangle is a 2D object, and faces can only be found on 3D objects.But yes, the bottom line of a triangle is still a side, and the bottom face of a 3D object with a triangular face is still a face.

What is a triangle with a square bottom?

It's called a pyramid!

What is the third line of a triangle called?

The hypotenuse.

What is the diagonal line on a triangle called?


What is the line connected two legs of a right triangle called?

It's called the "hypotenuse" of the right triangle.

What was the drawing of the Deathly Hallows?

A straight line down, with a circle over the bottom of the line, all within a triangle

What is at the bottom of a triangle?

Bottom of a triangle

What is a triangle with no angles called?

A triangle with no angles is called a degenerate triangle. It occurs when the three vertices are collinear, meaning they all lie on the same straight line. In a degenerate triangle, the side lengths sum up to zero.