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The sides of a polygon are straight line boundaries of the polygon.

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Q: What is the definition for sides of a polygon?
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What are sides on a 3D polygon?

There is no such thing. A polygon, by definition, is 2-dimensional.

Is a polygon a pentagon a pentagon and why?

Polygons by definition have three or more sides. A pentagon has five sides. A pentagon is a polygon.

Why does polygon have more sides than angles?

A polygon, by definition, has the same number of sides as it has angles. The question is therefore misguided.

Does every polygon have at least three sides?

Yes. A polygon is by definition a shape enclosed by multiple sides - the smallest number of sides that enclose an area is three.

Is a triangle a polyon?

A polygon is a closed figure bounded by sides. A triangle is a closed figure bounded by three sides. Therefore, according to the definition of polygon triangle is a polygon.

What is the definition quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and angles.

A polygon with all the sides the same length and all angles the same measure is what kind of polygon?

This is the definition of a "regular" polygon.

Is a right triangle a polygon?

Yes, the definition of a polygon is any closed figure with straight sides.

What are polygon definition?

A Polygon is a figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.

What polygon has no sides?

A circle could be considered to have "no sides" in theory, however under this definition it is not a polygon. Also, a circle could be considered to have infinite sides. You could consider a point to be a no-sided polygon, but it's a stretch.

What is the definition for trapazoid?

A trapezoid is a polygon with four sides including one pair of parallel sides.

If a polygon is open does the open side count as 2 sides?

To answer your question first here is the definition of polygon "a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides " So it makes no sense to count the sides in an open polygon since it is really not a polygon.