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pairs of angles on one side of the transversal but outside the two lines are called consecutive exterior angles .

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Q: What is the definition of consecutive exterior angles?
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What is a exterior angles?

Two exterior angles are consecutive if they are formed at vertices which are next to one another.

What is a consecutive exterior angle?

Two exterior angles are consecutive if they are formed at vertices which are next to one another.

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Parallel lines are lines that are coplanar (lying on the same plane) and do not intersectwhen cut by a transversal,corresponding angles formed by line n are equal in measure,alternate interior angles are equal in measures,the measures of alternate exterior angles are equal,consecutive interior angles are supplementary,consecutive exterior angles are supplementary.

What are alternate exterior angles?

they are angles that are usually parallel and that crossed the line that are oppsite from each other

What is the definition of exterior angles and interior angles?

In a geometric shape (say a triangle), the interior angles are those measured on the inside of the shape. The exterior angle is the angle if you were to extend one of those lines to the outside of the shape and measure from that line segment to the other intersecting line. Interior + Exterior = 180 degrees

What is the definition of a regular dodecagon?

A 12 sided shape with equal sides and with equal interior and exterior angles

Which is the definition of an exterior angle of a triangle?

an angle that forms a linear pair with one of the interior angles of the triangle.

How many pairs of consecutive angles does regular dodecagon have?

Each exterior angle is 30 degrees and each interior angle is 150 degrees

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Consecutive angles in a parrallelogram are?

Consecutive angles in a parallelogram are supplementary.

If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram then its consecutive angles are?

Then it's consecutive angles are supplementary.