Fixed area means that the measurement is given and does not change.
Fixed, in this case, means that the area is not able to change. A fixed area is the area of a rectangle that will always stay the same throughout various questions, etc.I Honestly Have No Clue What so ever....O.owhy do u even want to know wat it means??who would want to know wat that means??thats my question...u should answer itsice i took this time answering this dumb question...well.....Buh-Bye u lazy bummsss :]
The area covered by an enclosed figure
a line segment has no area. By definition a line segment is a part of a line, thus it has no area
You dont
Yes, that's basically part of the definition of "area" - and a useful way to measure or calculate the area of more complicated shapes.
A fixed jurisdictional area means that no matter how anyone tries to get out of that area, they are stuck there. This is truly a good definition of bureaucracy.
I think a fixed area is a preset area kinda. Like that's the only bit of info you have, so you can make a whole bunch of rectangles. At least, I think.
It is a fight for an area, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
A fixed is a joint that don't move
a bone that is fixed by tissue so cant move
what is the definition of area model
Fixed, in this case, means that the area is not able to change. A fixed area is the area of a rectangle that will always stay the same throughout various questions, etc.I Honestly Have No Clue What so ever....O.owhy do u even want to know wat it means??who would want to know wat that means??thats my question...u should answer itsice i took this time answering this dumb question...well.....Buh-Bye u lazy bummsss :]
A fixed area of a rectangle is an area that doesn't change. An area is a quantity that measures the space of a shape.Consider this example:A = length x width, which is the formula of a rectangleIf A is fixed, then it depends on what values length and width are. Then, length is indirectly proportional to width in order for A to remain fixed.
what is the legal definition of "immediate area"
The ending of the fixed period for which a contract is valid.
A fixed order quantity system is the arrangement in which the inventory level is continuously