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d = 26.26 inches

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How many square meters in 825 sq feet?

76.645 square metres.

How tall is Stone Mountain in GA?

Stone Mountain is 825 feet tall!

Difference between admiralty chart datum and mean sea level?

The chart datum is about 825 mm below the mean sea level. This is usually a showing of the average of the lowest tides.

How many 1 foot square tiles will be needed to cover a rectangular floor area that is 750 feet?

It should take about 825 1 foot square tiles to cover a floor with those dimensions. This assumes roughly a 10% waste factor.

Who invented algebra and topology?

The word algebra is a Latin variant of the Arabic word al-jabr. This came from the title of a book, "Hidab al-jabr wal-muqubala", written in Baghdad about 825 A.D. by the Arab mathematician Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmi. The words jabr (JAH-ber) and muqubalah (moo-KAH-ba-lah) were used by al-Khowarizmi to designate two basic operations in solving equations. Jabrwas to transpose subtracted terms to the other side of the equation. Muqubalah was to cancel like terms on opposite sides of the equation. In fact, the title has been translated to mean "science of restoration (or reunion) and opposition" or "science of transposition and cancellation" and "The Book of Completion and Cancellation" or "The Book of Restoration and Balancing." Jabr is used in the step where x - 2 = 12 becomes x = 14. The left-side of the first equation, where x is lessened by 2, is "restored" or "completed" back to x in the second equation. Muqabalah takes us from x + y = y + 7 to x = 7 by "cancelling" or "balancing" the two sides of the equation. Eventually the muqabalah was left behind, and this type of math became known as algebra in many languages.