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Since a triangle is two-dimensional, it cannot have volume.

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Q: What is the equation for volume on a triangle?
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How do you get the volume of a triangle?

A triangle is a 2 dimensional object, it doesn't have a volume.

What is the equation for the volume of a triangular prism?

The area of the cross section (the triangle) muliplied by the length of the prism. Area of triangle= 0.5 x base x height Then mulitply by the length the prism goes back

How do you change the volume of a triangle?

A triangle is a two-dimensional figure. It cannot have volume.

What can a triangle represent in a periodic equation?

In a periodic equation a triangle can be used to represent the given change of something.

Find the volume of a triangle?

A triangle is a 2-dimensional object. It has no volume but the volume of an triangular prism is ( volume=Length*width*height ) as well ever since.

What is the formula to get the volume of a triangle?

There is none because a triangle is a 2D shape and volume measures 3D shapes ----------------------------------------------------------------- There is not one. Triangles are two dimensional, volume is three dimensional, a triangle can therefore have an area but not a volume.

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It is a symbolic equation which requires triangle = 21.

What is the volume of 32 on a triangle?

A triangle can't have volume because it's a 2 dimensional shape.

How do you find the height of a triangle when the volume is given?

With great difficulty because there's no volume in a triangle

What is the volume of triangle whose sides are 5m 7m 2m?

A triangle doesn't have volume.

What is the formula for finding the volume of a triangle?

There is none because a triangle is a 2D shape -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is not one. Triangles are two dimensional, volume is three dimensional, a triangle can therefore have an area but not a volume.

What is the voume of equilateral triangle?

A triangle has area, not volume.