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Q: What is the line thickness called in PowerPoint?
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In typesetting the thickness of a line is called its weight and is measured in?

In typesetting, the thickness of a line is called its weight and is measured in points.

Line thickness is called its?


What is an object with no thickness that extends infinitely in 2 directions called?

A line.

How do you change borders in PowerPoint?

Follow this steps to change border in PowerPoint, Select an image, shape, or graph and click Border color . Choose a color for the border. Click Line weight. to adjust the border thickness. Click Line dash. to change the border type. To remove a border, click Border color. and select Transparent. View this page SlideEgg to get more Free PowerPoint Templates which are fully editable.

What is a file called in PowerPoint?

if it's a new PowerPoint version, it has a file name of .pptx, but in general, it's called a PowerPoint.

Can a line segment have thickness?

A mathemetical line segment does not exist physically for it only has length and no thickness

What should be done to add a border to PowerPoint presentation?

There are two ways to add borders to PowerPoint slides: You can create a simple border by drawing a rectangular, unfilled Auto Shape on your slide and editing the line style, thickness, and color of the line. Or, for more elaborate borders, consider the variety of border clips available through Clip Organizer. You can insert them on a slide and then rotate or re-size them.

What does Hanging Indent do in PowerPoint?

Hanging indent indent the second line of a paragraph more than the first line.

What is the thickness of a fluid called scientificly?

The thickness of a fluid is called its viscosity.

What extends without ending and has no thickness?

A line or a plane.

What is the thickness or thinness of a line?


Is it true a line has no thickness?
