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If it is an isosceles triangle then the base angles must be equal angles of 69 degrees because there are 180 degrees in a triangle and 42+69+69 = 180 degrees

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Q: What is the measure of the base angle of an isosceles triangle if the measure of the vertex angle is 42 degrees and the two congruent sides each measure 21 units?
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What is the measure of the base angle of an isosceles triangle if the vertex measures 38 degrees?

(180 - 38)/2 = 71 degrees (base angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent).

What triangle is formed with three sides of different lengths?

A scalene triangle. In a scalene triangle, there are no congruent sides or angles. In an isosceles triangle, at least two congruent sides and angles. In an equilateral triangle, all three sides and angles are congruent, with angles that always measure sixty degrees. Note: an equilateral triangle also classifies as an isosceles triangle, as it meets the definition of an isosceles triangle mentioned above.

What is the measure of isosceles triangle?

There is no exact measure, but 2 sides are congruent which means that 2 angles are congruent.

In an isosceles triangle two angles are?

congruent/equivalent in measure

Equilateral triangle has one angle that is exactly 90 degrees?

An equilateral triangle is a special isosceles triangle in which all three sides are congruent. Equilateral triangles are also equiangular, which means all three angles are congruent. The measure of each angle is 60 degrees.

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130 degrees is the measure of the base angles of an isosceles triangle whose vertex has a measure of 50 degrees.

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What is the name of the triangle that measure 110 35 and 35 degrees?

It is an isosceles triangle

What are the names of the triangles and how can you tell?

right triangle forms a 90 degree angle scalene triangle has no congruent sides isosceles triangle has at least 2 congruent sides equilateral triangle has 3 congruent sides acute triangle all angles measure less than 90 degrees and the obtuse triangle contains 1 obtuse angles.

What is an isosceles triangle measure up to?

In all triangles, the angles always measure up 180 degrees. In an isosceles triangle two of the angles are equal.

How do you determine that the isosceles triangle is an isosceles right triangle?

The three interior angles measure 45, 45 and 90 degrees.

What is the measure of a base angle of an isosceles triangle if the vertex angle measures 38 and each of the two congruent sides measures 21 units?

Each of the base angles measure 71 degrees