The intersection of two lines is a point. If both lines are straight the figure of four separate triangles are formed. The type of triangles are dependent on the angle of the intersection.
Two lines intersect at a point
A point where two lines meet is called an intersection. Also, more than two lines can be intersected in one point.
If two lines cross they share a point of intersection. For two straight lines this is limited to one common point, for two circles two points and for complex lines like two sine waves the number of common points has no limit.
A point.
Two or more lines meeting at a common point are called intersecting lines.
Angle. Also, two lines which intersect at a point can define a plane.
two lines meeting at a point.
An angle
are convergent lines.
Intersecting lines
The answer is {Angle}
a meeting point of two lines that form an angle; a corner.