An 11-sided polygon is called a hendecagon or an endecagon from the Greek endeka- meaning 11, and -gon meaning angle.
the name of a 7sided polygon is hexagon.
inite polygon
The name of a 12 sided polygon is Dodecagon.
The name of a 7 sided polygon is Heptagon.
A 8 sided polygon is called a octagon.
Undecagon is a 11sided figure
the name of a 7sided polygon is hexagon.
inite polygon
The name for this polygon is a nonagon,
name of 4000 sided polygon
The name of a 12 sided polygon is Dodecagon.
The name of a 7 sided polygon is Heptagon.
Regular polygon Equilateral polygon Polygon with rotational symmetry
A 8 sided polygon is called a octagon.
The name of a 18 sided polygon is Octadecagon.
The name of a 99 sided polygon is enneacontaenneagon.
The name of a 8 sided polygon is Octagon.