Ring shaped items are:
A circle
prize, crumbs, bar-code
Yes, you can. You can name your little girl anything you want to. Be creative and think of a name that is special or means something to you. You could call Jeremiah "Jeri" or "Mia" as a shorter nickname too. Just think that Jeremiah could be hard for your child to write at a young age, but it is still a great name.
oxygen mask emergency exit life jacket barf bag parachute
The ring shaped muscle in the digestive system is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
a name for something that chews a name for something that chews
name something an emp
Name something that starts with the word, '' American."
its a name of a person or something like that its a name of a person or something like that
I don't know but I think it has something to do with someones name or a sound or something
What is the name for a resource that can be changet into something usable
Something that goes into something.
something something
Any name can be a good name. Try and make it something memorable and something that reflects your personality.
Name your mom's uncle's son with something that means something to you or your family.
name something they ask you to do in church