Any closed figure that is not entirely composed of straight sides, such as an ellipse or a circle.
Decagon, if a plane figure or decahedron, if a solid.
yes, a triangle is a closed figure
a polygon has 6 sids and 6 faces because it is a closed figure and any closed figure has 8 sides or less
A pentagon. A closed figure means that all the lines of the figure are connected.
The name for a region of a closed figure is the Area.
quadrilateral shape
Any closed figure formed by a set of straight linesegments is a polygon. If the segments are curved such as in a circle or oval, the closed figure is not a polygon.
Any closed figure that is not entirely composed of straight sides, such as an ellipse or a circle.
This closed figure, with straight sides, is known as a Polygon.
An ellipse.
Decagon, if a plane figure or decahedron, if a solid.
closed figure
It is a polygon
polygon - D.A.
yes, a triangle is a closed figure
a polygon has 6 sids and 6 faces because it is a closed figure and any closed figure has 8 sides or less