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Gronall is the name of a boomerang shape

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Q: What is the name of the boomerang shape?
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What shape is a boomerang?

a trianglewith a side missing

How does the boomerang return?

It returns because the shape of it and if you throw it corretly and it will return

How did boomerang change over time?

the materials and shape of the boomerang was originally bone or wood, and in a v shape, with two wings. now these days, boomerangs are made of materials like plastic and others, and can have 2, 3 or 4 wings. also, there are different types of boomerangs. the most common and popular boomerang, is the returning boomerang, though the origin of the boomerang was as a aboriginal hunting weapon in many parts of the world, but especially Australia, since aboriginal australians had not developed the bow & arrow, and this type was a non-returning boomerang, the throwing stick. it was very effective against large animals, such as emus and kangaroos.

How did the boomerang get its name?

it got its name by the popular meal and prey, the boomer

Why does the wing shape of a boomerang help it stay aloft?

I don't know and I don't care either.

What is the name of the frisbee that turns into a ball that is advertised on tv with a boomerang?

I don't know about the boomerang but the one that turns into a ball is FLATBALL.

What is the name of the stick that comes back when you throw it?

It is a boomerang

What is another name given 2 a spirogiral?


What in Australia is a kylie?

The name "Kylie" means a boomerang.

What is an Aboriginal throwing stick called?

Today everyone calls it a boomerang but the name use to vary between different tribes! :)

Do you need wind to make a boomerang come back to you?

No, a boomerang doesn't require wind to return. Its unique shape and design create aerodynamic forces that cause it to rotate and come back towards the thrower. Wind can affect its flight path, but it's not a requirement for the boomerang to return.

What is the name of the Australian throwing stick that returns to the thrower?
