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timber line: line marking the upper limit of tree growth in mountains or northern latitudes
If it's the lumberjack warning shout before the tree is falling, there is no equivalent. For timber as wood, it would be the same as wood, "bois" or trees, "arbres".
If you mean ratio then I don't quite understand the question.. but if you mean RADIUS Then you take the diameter and divide it by two. ============================================== There's no such thing as the ratio of circles. You can find the ratio of their diameters, the ratio of their radiussesses, and the ratio of their areas. -- The ratio of their diameters is: One diameter divided by the other one. -- The ratio of their radiusses is the same number as the ratio of their diameters. -- The ratio of their areas is the square of that same number.
If the ratio is 2 : 7 then the volumes are in the ratio 8 : 343.
The answer depends on whether or not the shapes are similar. If they are, then the ratio of volumes is the cube of the ratio of the linear dimensions.
between .15 and .20
p -0.29,e-12.4e3mpa
Poisson's ratio is 0.3 for metals because the metals begin to get thinner the more they are stretched. It also relates a strain that is tensile to a strain that is compressive.Ê
As of 2021, the estimated population of Poissons, France is around 230 people.
Les Poissons was created in 1989.
The area of Poissons is 15.48 square kilometers.
Tour Les Poissons was created in 1970.
since k=E/3(1-2n): where k=bulk modulus and n=poision's ratio it can be seen that value of poision's ratio can't be smaller than 0.5 in order to keep k be +ve.hence poision's ratio is 0.5
Pisces is translated to "Poissons" in French.
La Pêche aux poissons rouges was created in 1895.
The duration of La Pêche aux poissons rouges is 38.0 seconds.
"Signe du zodiaque est Poissons."